Let's link you to the world !

Wondering why there is no link from this blog to your site ? Just leave a comment with the appropriate link. I will visit it and do the necessary.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getnaijajob: a utility blog !

In these days of job scarcity in Nigeria, anybody or any medium that brings one information on job vacancies is definitely friendly ,especially if it is free,

I just got to know about one such blog and I heartily recommend that you visit it and recommend it to friends , colleauges and relatives.

To the greater success of Nigerian job-hunters, I dedicate Get Naija Job, the applicant friendly blog.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Online Shopping Sites !

Nigeria is gradually developing its own domestic online shopping culture.

Some of the sites involved in this emergent trend are listed below :
* Shopaholic
* Tokunbo

We wish they will contribute to easing life in Nigeria and shoring up our image too !

Friday, January 14, 2011

Yookos.com a new winner from Nigeria !

I do not claim accuracy for the story that introduced me to the idea of this social networking website, but heree is how it goes : that Pastor Chris Oyakilome constantly burst the upper limit of followership on Twitter and felt burdened witht he limits imposed on him by the owners of that site. Well, how did he decide to solve the problem : create a new social networking website on which he would have greater control. And lo ! so was yookos. com born.

The address is Yookos.com and here is the link to my yookos page .

Friday, January 7, 2011


Moment is the name of the newest entrant unto the Nigerian newspapers arena.

What new strain will it bring into that millieu ?

The answer is probably at its site which is only a click away . Visit now !

You can get links to others newspapers in Nigeria through the following links :Nigerian Newspapers Online ; NigeriaMasterweb Newspaperlist.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nollywood Sites and blogs !

Nollywood has entrenched itself as one of the largest and most enduring elements of Nigerian life. It is therefore no surprise that it is also one of the aspects of our life most written about outside Scam and corruption.

For this reason, I will link to all sites related to it from this one entry, only rarely featuring one or other site from an additional entry.
So then, here are the sites : Nigeria Films.com ,Nollywood.com ,Nollywoodwatch.com. , NollywoodFoundation
,Nollywoodmovies.com , ThisisNollywood,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jason Media

This site is officially titled Nigeria-theatre, but this is a misnomer seeing the site deals largely with the corporate activities of a theatre company called Jason Media and those of its associates.

That proviso having been taken care of, it is still worth visiting. For example, it claims to be doing a Wole Soyinka season that as at the time of my last visit was said to be preparing its third edition.

Welcome to the world of Jason Media and its window on the Nigeria Theatre.